SPME Research

Chesler’s Duke Battle Round II

Phyllis Chesler, Ph.D., is the author of twelve books including her latest, THE NEW ANTI-SEMITISM. THE CURRENT CRISIS AND WHAT WE MUST DO ABOUT IT. She is working on a new book about the importance of independent thinking for Palgrave-Macmillan…

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Professor Neumann’s article in Sunday’s SPME newsletter2 raises a very important question: Why is the USA so supportive of Israel, over the past 30 years? Unfortunately, his answer is both deeply misguided and tragically misleading. The USA has, does, and…

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The Fence-Shift The Paradigm

Wingate Institute SPME Board of Directors Here in Israel the following makes the news on a regular basis: ” Four border policemen and three Palestinians were lightly wounded Tuesday morning during a demonstration in the village of Budrus against the…

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The nuclear sum game

Dr. Reuven Pedatzur is a senior lecturer at the Strategic Studies Program, Tel Aviv University and an SPME Member Israel would make a great mistake if it tried to eliminate Iran’s nuclear program by force. It would have no chance…

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Palestinians standing in the way of peace

(Ray Hanania is the former National President of the Palestinian American Congress, an author and syndicated columnist. He is a member of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East spme.org . His columns are archived at www.hanania.com.) On this 3rd…

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A Critique of “The Denver Conference”

A conference took place on the topic of “How to Rebuild Trust Between Israelis and Palestinians” at the University of Denver between the 3rd and 5th of September, 2004, under the sponsorship of The Institute for the Study of Israel…

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NGOs Make War on Israel

The horrors of the Holocaust and the outrage over the failure of Allied powers to intervene provided the impetus for the creation of today’s international human rights system, anchored in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.[1] The United Nations…

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