SPME in the Media

NYU Stern School of Business. Photo: Wikipedia commons.

As School Year Begins, Palestinian Student Groups Get Increasingly Violent, and Colleges Appear to Take Action

Anti-Israel protests continued to escalate throughout August. Pro-Hamas protestors blocked the I-405 freeway in Los Angeles, vandalized AIPAC headquarters in Washington, D.C., vandalized elementary schools in Stamford, CT, and Bethesda, MD, and smashed the windows of a Ralph Lauren store in Manhattan. Patrons attending a production of Fiddler on…

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BDS Monitor Live – Sep 4, 2024

The school year began with Israel firmly at the center of American politics and campus controversy. Anti-Israel demonstrations have roiled the Democratic Party and spread across campuses but universities have vowed to crack down on protests. At the same time,…

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Down and out at Columbia

The resignation of Minouche Shafik, president of Columbia University, is being hailed as a victory all around. Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), who had called for her resignation back in April, celebrated the news: Since her catastrophic testimony at the Education and Workforce Committee hearing,…

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The AAUP Abandons Academic Freedom

Last week, the American Association of University Professors set aside its hundred-year defense of academic freedom by opening the door to any number of individually initiated academic boycotts. Individual students and faculty have always had the right to advocate for academic…

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Not Your Father’s DNC

Being academics or ex-academics, we have quite a few friends who were there in Chicago in 1968, protesting the war in Vietnam in front of the Democratic National Convention. We’ve heard stories of Jerry Rubin, the famed Yippie mischief-maker, attempting…

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