SPME Research

PA Academic on PA TV: Killing of Jews is Mandatory

Introduction: Much media attention has been given in recent weeks to a reported “drop” in PA incitement.Unfortunately, while there have been some changes in PA TV, the same hate messagescontinue to be espoused –just by different speakers. For example, world…

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Teaching hatred

http://www.iht.com/articles/2004/12/17/opinion/edavenstrup.html One of the most meaningful gauges of the integrity of a peace process and its likelihood for success is the degree to which the “peace partners” educate toward peace. It is for this reason that the entire education apparatus…

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The two faces of France

The recent accusation by French Ambassador Gerard Araud about an anti-French neurosis in Israel constitutes only a minute item on Israel’s long charge sheet against the damaging, discriminatory and often terrorist-supporting attitude of the country he represents. The issue is…

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The incitement yardstick

Following his demand for a crackdown, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon recently remarked that anti-Israel incitement in the Palestinian Authority media had indeed lessened. The incitement issue has generated significant interest and optimism worldwide. Unfortunately, both Sharon’s satisfaction and the resulting…

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“All Intifada, All the Time”

While the West is basking in the tunes of Christmas carols, a different tune is being played by the two leading Jihadi TV channels, al Jazeera and al Manar. The radical Sunni al Jazeera, broadcasting from Qatar, the flagship of…

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First steps toward stability?

“If Abbas and the Fateh organization manipulate the process to ensure continued control, they will lack the legitimacy necessary to bring stability.” The end of the Arafat era presents unprecedented opportunities for change both in Palestinian society and for relations…

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The Legacy of Jihad in Palestine

The death of Yasser Arafat- jihad terrorisms’ modern godfather- has been accompanied by a rash of optimistic assessments regarding the prospects for a resolution of the longstanding Arab-Israeli conflict. These comments by former U.S. Middle East envoy Dennis Ross, are…

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Prisoner of Zion, Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury is an inconvenience. He is an inopportune reminder. He is an option, an alternative that most would rather not have presented. And last week, he sat alone in his Dhaka prison cell, marking the one-year anniversary…

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