Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS)

David Brooks: A Network of Truces The U.S. brought no shortage of misconceptions into Iraq, but surely the longest lasting has been what you might call: Founding Fatherism. This is the belief that peace will come to the country when the nations political elites gather…

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Henry A. Kissinger: The Three Revolutions The long-predicted national debate about national security policy has yet to occur. Essentially tactical issues have overwhelmed the most important challenge a new administration will confront: how to distill a new international order from three simultaneous revolutions occurring around…

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Emilio Karim Dabul: Arabs Must Take a Long, Self-Critical Look in the Mirror There was a time centuries ago in Arab countries when intellectual introspection was common and the culture produced searching, self-critical scholarship in various arenas. That time is gone. Today, brave and questioning souls like Irshad Manji, who calls for…

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Olivier Guitta: Proof of Iran’s Military Nuclear Program Despite the very flawed and much publicized December National Intelligence Estimate report on Iran, the U.N. Security Council recently passed a third set of sanctions designed to force Iran to halt its nuclear program. Indeed, except for a few…

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Robin Stoller: »Die vergangenen zwei Monate waren die Hölle«

Am 14. Februar 2008 wurde in der nordmarokkanischen Stadt Al Hoceima eine berberisch-jüdische Freundschaftsorganisation mit dem Namen Addakira Almouchtaraka (Mémoire Collective) gegründet. Sie ist die erste marokkanische Vereinigung, die den Schwerpunkt ihrer Arbeit auf die Bekämpfung des Antisemitismus legt. Bereits nach…

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Wahied Wahdat-Hagh: Kritik und Warnungen iranischer Konstitutionalisten Iranische Konstitutionalisten sind demokratische, parlamentarische Monarchisten. Sie vertreten das säkular-liberale Bürgertum des Iran. Im Iran kamen sie nie zum Zug, auch wenn sie sich seit über 100 Jahren für ein demokratisches Parlament einsetzen. Für die iranischen parlamentarischen Monarchisten sind…

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George Jonas on the New Generation of Anti-Semites: They Want to Exterminate, Not Just Excommunicate, Jews The Jewish state will be 60 in May. Cause for celebration or mourning? Depends on whether you are a Palestinian or a Jew, some would say – but it’s not as simple as that. Not every Jew regards the…

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