Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS)

Anthony Elghossain: American Think Tank Paints Hizbullah as Bought and Paid for by Tehran BEIRUT: In a recently published report, entitled “Iranian Influence in the Levant, Iraq, and Afghanistan,” the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a pro-Israeli think tank, seeks to link the growing strategic importance of Iran in the region with the concurrent…

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Evelyn Gordon: Civil Fights: Meet the World’s Most Incompetent Ethnic Cleansers It is hard to decide which aspect of Mahmoud Abbas’s recent “ethnic cleansing” accusation is more worrying: what it reveals about him, or what it reveals about the world’s willingness to tolerate even the vilest and most obviously nonsensical…

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Michael B. Oren: From the Shores of Tripoli to the Tigris JERUSALEM: ‘It was written in the Koran that all nations who should not have acknowledged (the Muslims’) authority were sinners (and) that it was their right and duty to make war upon whoever they could.” These words certainly sound…

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Not Just a Gimmick The Palestinian leadership – not the one in Gaza, but the Palestinian Authority – seems to be backing an initiative by a PA minister, reported earlier this week in The Jerusalem Post, to respond to Israel’s 60th anniversary by…

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Josh Mitnick and Ilene Prusher: Can Egypt Broker Hamas-Israel Truce? Tel Aviv and Jerusalem Have the seeds of an Israel-Hamas truce already been planted in Egypt? A flurry of speculation this week hinted that Cairo is making headway parlaying a recent calm in fighting into a more robust compromise.…

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Denis MacEoin: Reflections on the Nazi State Since September 2005, Denis MacEoin has served as the Royal Literary Fund Fellow at Newcastle University. I’m afraid. Let me try to explain why. I was born four years after the end of the Second World War. Throughout my…

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Mohammad Yaghi: Fayad’s Reform Plan: Difficulties and Political Implications A month after visiting Washington, Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayad continues to face significant political, economic, and security challenges to his reform plan. Fatah, the ruling political party in the West Bank, has resisted many aspects of his agenda…

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Dem Boykotteur ist nichts zu schwör Es war nichts anderes zu erwarten: Weil Israel anlässlich seines 60. Geburtstages Ehrengast der diesjährigen Pariser Buchmesse Salon du livre ist, boykottieren zahlreiche arabische Länder – darunter der Libanon, Tunesien, Algerien, Marokko, der Jemen und Saudi-Arabien – sowie Dutzende…

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Nonie Darwish: The Gaza Prison Camp “Gaza conditions at ’40-year low'” the BBC headlined last week. Rarely a week goes by without a politician or organization deploring the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. But I do not hear anyone describe its root cause: 60…

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Wahied Wahdat-Hagh:Ein iranischer Politiker in Voice of America Die Iraner dürfen heute ihr zukünftiges Pseudoparlament „wählen”. Sie wählen nicht ihre Kandidaten, sondern die des khomeinistischen Politbüros, des Wächterrates und des Führers. Daher sollen hier Stimmen Gehör finden, die meist untergehen. Dr. Nuruldin Pirmosen, von den heutigen Wahlen…

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