Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS)

Ari Rath: Die Kämpfe in Gaza – ein Krieg der “Stellvertreter”

Von Es ist nicht leicht in diesen Tagen ein Freund Israels zu sein. Die täglichen Bilder von schwer verwundeten und toten palästinensischen Kindern und ganzen Familien und die verheerenden Zerstörungen von Wohnhäusern und Schulen stellen Israel in ein sehr schlechtes…

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Haim Harari: A View from the Target Zone These words are written a short distance away from the most northern hit, so far, of the Hamas missiles, which are methodically aimed only at civilian population in Israel. You may refer to this message as “A View from…

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Michael Gove: If Hamas is the Vctim, Why is Ramallah So Quiet? IT’S been one of the longest-running conflicts in the world, a case study in how difficult it is for modern states to fight counter-insurgency wars against determined terrorist groups. But in the days just after Christmas a massive offensive…

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Dore Gold: The False Symmetry of UN Security Council Resolution 1860 /servlet/Satellite?cid=1231424927983&pagename=JPArticle%2FShowFull Most Israelis regard UN Security Council Resolution 1860 on the Gaza Conflict as a troubling development. It fails to mention the release of Cpl. Gilad Shalit who has been in Hamas captivity since 2006. The word “rocket” does…

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Christian Ultsch: Dumme Vergleiche mit dem Dritten Reich Kardinal Martino rückte den Gazastreifen in die Nähe eines KZs. Eine monströse Verzerrung. Auch der Kardinalshut schützt nicht vor Torheit. In seiner Empörung über Israels Militäroffensive ließ sich der Menschenrechtsbeauftragte des Vatikan, Renato Martino, zu der Behauptung hinreißen, dass…

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Jonathan Schanzer: Middle East Studies on the Mend? In recent years, Campus Watch (CW) analysts have leveled a barrage of criticism against the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) as a bastion of groupthink for scholar-activists peddling a politicized agenda. CW’s current director, Winfield Myers, noted that its…

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Lawrence Freedman: Israel Is on Firmer Ground Against Hamas The current operation in Gaza is a direct consequence of the 2006 war in southern Lebanon. The obvious similarities have led many people to foresee a comparable outcome, with Israel condemned for causing great human suffering while smarting from…

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Michael Rubin: Diplomacy Cannot Quell Gaza Violence As the crisis in Gaza enters its second week, international diplomats are seeking a cease-fire. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called the situation “unacceptable” and demanded that “regional and international partners [do more] to end the violence and encourage…

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Khaled Abu Toameh : Hamas and the Palestinians It is true that Hamas came to power in January 2006 largely thanks to the corruption and incompetence of the Palestinian Authority. But it is also true that many of the Palestinians who voted for Hamas were well aware…

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