Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS)

Son of Hamas Leader Gives Glimpse Into Terror Organization,2933,475226,00.html As Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other world leaders try to broker a cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas, one former member of the militant Islamic organization said there will never be lasting peace between the two groups.…

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Yossi Klein Halevi and Michael B. Oren: In Gaza, the Real Enemy Is Iran,0,3919516.story Reporting from Jerusalem — The images from the fighting in Gaza are harrowing but ultimately deceptive. They portray a mighty invading army, one equipped with F-16 jets that have bombed a civilian population defended by a few thousand fighters…

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Carlo Strenger: What Victimology Does Not Account For I have been a very outspoken critic of Israeli policies for many years. Nevertheless, those who, like Nir Rosen here, go into endless diatribes to ascribe sole responsibility to Israel for the current situation are hypocritical at worst and…

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Abraham Rabinovich : Arabs Turn Against ‘Megalomaniac’ Hamas,25197,24860529-15084,00.html Responsibility for the war in Gaza, and for the Palestinian fatalities there, was placed squarely on Hamas by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. “We called the leaders of Hamas and told them, ‘Please, do not end the truce’,” he…

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Justus Reid and Avi Bell: International Law and the Fighting in Gaza

Introduction Palestinian terrorists in Gaza continue to launch rocket and mortar attacks on Israeli civilians and, in response, Israel has re-imposed a number of controls at its border with Gaza. At times Israel has responded to the projectile and terrorist…

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Robert O. Freedman: Israel’s Strike on Gaza: a Primer The Israeli-Hamas ceasefire, signed on June 9, 2008, had long been a porous one. While Hamas, for the most part, until November 2008 did not fire its own rockets at Israel, it permitted other groups, such as the Iranian-supported…

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Alan M. Dershowitz: Israel’s Policy Is Perfectly ‘Proportionate’ Israel’s actions in Gaza are justified under international law, and Israel should be commended for its self-defense against terrorism. Article 51 of the United Nations Charter reserves to every nation the right to engage in self-defense against armed attacks.…

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Editorial: The Blood on Hamas’ Hands Nobody with a conscience can look at the images of destruction and human suffering on the streets of Gaza without flinching. The pictures of the civilian victims of Israeli air strikes – especially children – are heart-rending. But let’s…

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Peace in Gaza Is in the Hands of Hamas

In despair: Cover image from the Daily telegraph, December 29 2008 Photo: AP The photograph on the front page of this newspaper yesterday captured the age-old tragedy of the Holy Land. At this time of year in particular, the…

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