Michael Rubin: Diplomacy Cannot Quell Gaza Violence

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No Help From The Neighbors

To hope for Syrian or Iranian diplomatic intercession is inane. Syria hosts Hamas’ most militant wing and provides transit for Hizballah’s resupply, and Israel’s destruction is at the core of the Islamic Republic’s ideology. Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad has called for Israel’s demise, not by demographic change but by military force, on more than 30 occasions. As Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan met Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on January 1 to discuss a cease-fire, Iranian television reported that 20,000 Iranian students had signed up to become suicide bombers in response to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s declaration that “anyone who dies in this holy struggle against World Zionism [is] a martyr.”

Nor are Iranian hardliners alone in their call for Israel’s destruction. While reformist former President Mohammad Khatami spoke of the dialogue of civilizations to Western diplomats, he told Iranian television, “If we abide by the Koran, all of us should mobilize to kill.”

Indeed, the Iranian regime has worked consistently to undermine any Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Seven years ago this week, the Israeli navy intercepted the Karine-A, a Gaza-bound freighter carrying 50 tons of Iranian arms, supplied during a fragile truce. Four-and-a-half years later, war erupted after Hizballah, an Iranian-sponsored group, attacked Israel. The United States then pressured Israel to accede to a ceasefire, and Iran claimed victory. Ali Akbar Velayati, Khamenei’s top foreign policy advisor, declared that the war had shown Israel to be a “paper tiger.”

Palestinians undoubtedly suffer under the Israeli assault. Israeli strikes have killed an estimated 500 people, one-fifth to one-quarter of them civilians. While the civilian deaths are tragic, the low proportion of non-combatant casualties in a densely populated area demonstrates Israel’s desire to avoid collateral damage. Unlike Hamas rockets, Israeli strikes are neither aimed at civilians nor designed to terrorize.

Hamas launched rockets for demagogic gain. Governments can pursue war, but when they do so, they should recognize that opponents fight back. Those who choose war must understand the likely cost of their decision to the economy and their constituents. To exonerate an elected government from accountability undermines the foundation of democracy.

Diplomats mean well, but to shield protagonists from peril fuels conflict and condemns the Palestinians to misery, given that a sustainable peace requires that both sides recognize the true cost of war. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat won a Nobel Peace prize for his 1977 landmark visit to Israel and the subsequent 1978 Camp David Accords. He may be remembered as a peacemaker today, but he made his pilgrimage to Jerusalem only after realizing in 1973 the futility of seeking war.

Until the Palestinians and their elected government learn Sadat’s lesson, diplomacy is doomed. The road to peace lies not in a cease-fire, but jointly in Palestinian recognition of Israel’s right to exist and in the international community’s understanding that Israel’s right to live without terrorism and rocket attacks is no different than that of Germany, Japan, or Canada. If Palestinians chose peace and education over war and hatred, Gaza could become a Singapore, Hong Kong, or Dubai. Moral equivalency and mistimed diplomacy only delay such a reckoning, however, and so do far more harm than good.

Michael Rubin is editor of the Middle East Quarterly and a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

Michael Rubin: Diplomacy Cannot Quell Gaza Violence

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