
Academic Freedom and Anti-Semitism

I am delighted to help inaugurate this forum on academic freedom. Academic freedom is essential if universities are to succeed in their missions of creating and disseminating knowledge. Universities excel when they are governed by the authority of ideas rather…

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Jewish fraternity in California defaced with swastikas

Students at the University of California, Davis woke up Saturday morning to find swastikas spray painted outside of a Jewish fraternity, days after the school’s student government voted in favor of divesting from Israel. Two swastikas were painted on the…

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German judge rules: Anti-Zionism is code for anti-Semitism

At the height of this summer’s Israel-Hamas conflict, Europe erupted with anti-Israel sentiment. From London to Paris, large-scale violent demonstrations were seen in most European capitals and throughout Germany. Speaking at a special meeting at the Knesset in the end of…

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At Cal Davis, swastikas at Jewish frat house follow BDS resolution

Two swastikas were spray-painted on a Jewish fraternity’s house at the University of California, Davis, two days after the student senate passed a divestment resolution targeting Israel. The swastikas were painted on the off-campus house of Alpha Epsilon Pi sometime…

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The Return of Anti-Semitism

Last Tuesday, a group of Holocaust survivors, by now gaunt and frail, made their way back to Auschwitz, the West’s symbol of evil—back to the slave-labor side of the vast complex, with its mocking inscription Arbeit Macht Frei (“Work makes…

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Historians Reject Anti-Israel Resolutions

On January 4, 2015, at the Business Meeting of the American Historical Association in New York, the members in attendance voted 144 to 51 against further consideration of resolutions denouncing Israel. The resolutions had been introduced by the Historians Against…

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