Fighting for Civil Discourse and Academic Freedom




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Daniel Pipes to Speak at Berkeley (April, 29), New York University (May, 5) and Harvard (May, 6)
150 150 SPME

Daniel Pipes will be speaking as part of a panel at three campuses for the Ayn Rand Institute in the next two weeks – at UC-Berkeley (April 29), New York University (May 5) and Harvard University (May 6). At each campus, the panel is titled “The Threat of Totalitarian Islam” and includes Yaron Brook. The…

Politik mit Realitätsverlust?
150 150 Bündnis gegen Geschichtsrevisionismus und Antizionismus

Am 23.04.2008 hielt der umstrittene “Islamexperte” und ehemalige Leiter des Deutschen Orient Instituts, Udo Steinbach, im Hauptgebäude der Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) einen Vortrag mit dem Titel “Politik mit Realitätsverlust – im Nahen Osten ersetzt das Wunschdenken das Handeln”.Das “Bündnis gegen Geschichtsrevisioni smus und Antizionismus” verteilte unmittelbar vor der Vortragsveranstaltu ng ein kritisches Flugblatt und…

First Meeting for New Group on Middle East and African Studies Places Islamic Extremism at Center of Its Agenda
150 150 Richard Byrne Washington Islamic extremism was the dominant topic this past weekend at the first conference of a new organization for scholars of the Middle East and Africa. The Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa, or Asmea, was formed last fall by two conservative academics as a scholarly counterweight to a much-larger…

Union Bans Anti-Boycott Activist
150 150 Simon Rocker One of the leaders of the campaign to prevent the academic boycott of Israel has been banned by his own union from an email forum. David Hirsh, a co-founder of the Engage campaign, has been denied use of the University and College Union activists’ email list since last November for breaching rules of confidentiality.…