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UK Professor Dismissed from Research Fellowship for Holocaust Denying Writings
150 150 SPME UCL has been made aware of views expressed by Dr Nicholas Kollerstrom, an Honorary Research Fellow in UCL Science & Technology Studies. The position of Honorary Research Fellow is a privilege bestowed by departments within UCL on researchers with whom it wishes to have an association. It is not an employed position. The views…

‘Elitist’ Leadership Alienating U.S. Jews, Says Prominent Sociologist
150 150 Daphna Berman The perception that the American Jewish leadership is “elitist, parochial, self-serving and resistant to innovation,” is fueling a decline in Jewish communal participation in the U.S., a leading sociologist said this week. In a policy paper prepared ahead of the President’s Conference, “Facing Tomorrow,” Professor Chaim Waxman asserted that a sense of “too much…

Jordanian Professor Recommends Nuclear Suicide Bombers
150 150 Hana Levi Julian ( Jordanian University lecturer Ibrahim Alloush recommended on Al-Jazeera television this week that suicide bombers be equipped with small nuclear bombs. According to a transcript provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Dr. Alloush said, “Whoever managed to get a martyrdom-seeker into Dimona, should consider how to get martyrdom-seekers into Dimona and…

Scientists: Israel’s Excellence Could ‘Slip Away’
150 150 Judy Siegel-Itzkovich Although there was much boasting by Israelis and admiration by foreigners at Jerusalem’s “Presidential Conference 2008: Facing Tomorrow” on Wednesday about the Jewish state’s scientific and technological discoveries, some scientists there warned that such achievement could easily become a thing of a past. Israel spent much too little on basic scientific research, warned Prof.…