Prof. Gary Epstein, SPME-Cal Poly S, Writes to California Faculty Association President Lilian Taiz

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Dear Lilian Taiz,

I was very disappointed to read about the Feb. 7th Resolution, “CFA Call for a Halt to Violence Against All Civilians in Palestine and Israel.” Actually, it made me ashamed to have worked during my 35 year career at Cal Poly, SLO, as a member of the CFA Grievance Committee and as an officer of the Cal Poly CFA Chapter. In 2003 my work was recognized by being given the F. Ben Mansell Academic Rights Award. Now I feel that the CFA has smacked me in the face.

I doubt that anyone on the CFA Board of Directors has actually taken the time to carefully study the Charter of Hamas. If they had they would know that Hamas believes that Israel must be destroyed because of religious teachings of their faith. Anyone who has not faced the implications of this stand does not know enough to form an unbiased position. Let me ask you, Ms. Taiz: Have you ever studied the content of the Hamas Charter? I expect a reply to that question. In view of my work for CFA from 1981 to 2004 I feel entitled to receive a reply from you to my question.

In any issue, it matters very much if you have “skin in the game.” For example, it is fashionable in public opinion to be against the tenure system for people in the teaching profession. To be in step with fashion, one would not hesitate to endorse that position. But CFA rightfully does not endorse that position. It has “skin in that game.” We know from experience the kind of abuses that can be expected when tenure is abolished.

Now CFA has no skin in the game of international relations. Your resolution is based on fashion. You do not know what the players in the Middle East are really pursuing. All you know is the propaganda that reaches you. I request that you share my message here with all of the other members of the CFA Board of Directors. Please revoke the Feb. 7th Resolution until all members of the committee study each and every sentence in the Hamas Charter. The Charter is only five pages long. I would like to know who of those who read the charter agree with it. As a Jew, I must alert you that it refers to a forged document called the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In my nightmares the faculty of today’s CSU are ignorant of the history of Anti-Semitism and of this infamous document.

I hope that you answer my earlier question and that you share this message with the Board Members.


Gary Epstein, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

Prof. Gary Epstein, SPME-Cal Poly S, Writes to California Faculty Association President Lilian Taiz

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