
Fighting for Israel on College Campuses

It’s that time again. In my office, September is one of the busiest months of the year. My students, located all around North America, are returning to college. Almost as soon as they arrive on campus, the stories start pouring…

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How to Turn a Campus Into an Indoctrination Center

If you want to understand how the far left controls campuses, consider this story. There is no university more supportive of the Arab nationalist (historically), Islamist, and anti-Israel line in the United States than Georgetown’s programs on Middle East studies. Every…

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Ian Lustick’s Iron Dice

As both Jonathan Tobin and Jonathan Marks have previously written here, University of Pennsylvania political scientist Ian Lustick, author of a recent op-ed promoting the “one-state solution” and featured prominently in the New York Times, isn’t an outlier. To the contrary, American academe is full of Lusticks:…

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British university told to apologize, compensate Israeli student

LONDON – An Israeli student who challenged a British university for assigning an anti-Israel lecturer as her dissertation supervisor has received an apology and compensation after a ruling from independent investigators. In 2010, Smadar Bakovic from Neveh Ilan, west of…

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