Fighting for Civil Discourse and Academic Freedom




Recent Articles

The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA):
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Applicants are invited for a Research Fellowship tenable for one year, renewable for one further academic year, commencing in September 2008. Applications are welcome from candidates from various academic disciplines, with a strong background in the study of antisemitism and related fields. YIISA is dedicated to the scholarly research of the origins and manifestations associated…

SCSU Student of Color Said she was Spat on and Shown Nazi Symbols
150 150 Tim Harlow A student of color at St. Cloud State University (SCSU) said she was spat on and shown a “Nazi salute” by white males as she walked across campus Friday night, school officials said. The incident prompted school officials to issue a crime alert and came as police ramped up efforts to find who is…

A Hinderance to the American Foreign Policy Debate
150 150 Rebecca Kaufman, David Levit and Jacob Loewenstein Despite the dire predictions of Daily Princetonian columnist and Muslim Students Association president Sarah Dajani ’09, Harvard professor Stephen Walt and University of Chicago’s John Mearsheimer delivered a talk yesterday unimpeded by any protest whatsoever. These professors made their names as realists, particularly Mearsheimer, who is credited for the theory of “offensive realism,” which…

Arab Academics Launch Internet Campaign To Combat “Normalization” With Israel
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************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ***Academics launch Internet campaign to combatnormalization with the Zionist Entity. Qawim, Ghazza, 8 December 2007, 12:10. Dr. ‘Abdas-Sattar Qasim, a well-known Palestinian lecturer andacademic, together with other academics, politicalactivists, and intellectuals from various Arabcountries, have launched a new Internet website tocombat normalization with the Zionist enemy state. The site (No…