Fighting for Civil Discourse and Academic Freedom




Recent Articles

Why I Resigned from the Professional Staff Congress (PSC)-CUNY
150 150 A. Jay Adler

I am an ardent, lifelong supporter of organized labor. In the past, I served on the executive board and two contract negotiating teams for the Los Angeles College Faculty Guild. In recent years, I have focused on other areas and done other work, so during my five years teaching as an adjunct in the English…

Psychologists Hope to Combat Antisemitism as an Illness
150 150 Phyllis Chesler

Although I’m a co-founder of the Association for Women in Psychology (1969), and a pioneer feminist psychologist, I stopped attending professional meetings a long time ago. There are many reasons why, including an increasingly toxic view of Judaism and Israel by academics who were in no way experts in these subjects. This led to the formation of…

Academia for Hamas
150 150 Andrew Pessin

I weep for the academy. I weep for the Jews. As the Islamic Resistance Movement (better known by its acronym, Hamas) rained thousands of deadly rockets upon Israeli men, women, and children, the academy loudly and voluminously proclaimed its endorsement of this effort to murder as many Jews as possible. Petitions, declarations, statements abounded, from…

Inclusivity, Sure. But Not for the Zionists.
750 375 Jonathan Marks

Two years ago, I wrote about a scandal involving Williams College’s student-led Council’s decision to vote against recognizing a club because, student comments suggested, it was pro-Israel. Ultimately, the college administration stepped in and approved the club anyway. Now in Southern California, another prestigious small college, Pomona College, may be headed down a similar road. Not content…