Barack Obama Greeted with Hatred and Quiet Hope in Iran

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Barack Obama made a point of reaching out to the Muslim world in his inaugural address with a call for a new start and a new understanding. Bill Neely, ITV News International Editor, reports from the streets of Tehran on how that message was received.

The streets were not empty. Iran did not stop. Its main television channels were not tuned to Washington. Seventy million people did not watch the inauguration of the President whose surname in their language means “he is with us”.

On Iran’s main state television news, not a frame of the inauguration was shown. It was mentioned once, but only in the context of America’s economic crisis. There were no pictures of Obama on the front pages of newspapers. One magazine was closed by the authorities for doing just that after Obama’s election victory. Out on the streets, thousands chanted his name. But only to yell “Death to Obama”. They didn’t wait for the inauguration to deliver their verdict on Obama, dragging his portrait through the streets of Tehran and then, three hours before he took the oath of office, setting fire to it alongside a picture of George Bush.

Hardly a good start and all because of Obama’s long silence on the Gaza war.

It was the Supreme Leader’s Special Representative though, who put it most graphically and with evident disgust. “Obama’s is the hand of Satan in a new sleeve”, explained Hossein Shariatmadari. “The Great Satan now has a black face”. His words have weight because he speaks for Ayatollah Khamenei, the man who makes the big decisions in Iran; on foreign policy and all matters nuclear. His fingernails have regrown since they were pulled out by the Shah’s torturers thirty years ago and Shariatmadari now edits Iran’s most hardline newspaper. “Obama won’t make any big change in American policy towards Iran”, he told me. “Because he has little room for change in anything. And we won’t change our goal; we are determined to have nuclear power but not nuclear weapons.”

Yet even the hardliners will have examined Obama’s inaugural speech carefully. Iran’s President told me he’ll be patient and will listen to and analyse Obama’s words for signs of a real change. “If its like the past and America is bullying us,” explained Mahmoud Ahmadinejad “Then there will be no new era between us. The language of sticks and carrots is dead”.

Some Iranians did see America’s new President take his oath. Watching the inauguration on illegal satellite television receivers were Iranians who yearn for a thaw in relations with the West. In stuffy rooms in the freezing capital Tehran, they followed Obama’s English with little difficulty, admiring his rhetoric and applauding his words to the Muslim world about “a new way forward based on mutual respect”; a new era in America’s relations with the world. But they want to see the fine words turned into action; to see him talk to Iran and not at Iran. Most support Iran’s reformists, who will have their own chance to take back power in Presidential elections in June. One man, who’d just finished chanting “Death To America” at a demonstration told me he thought Obama really would be different because he was a black man who understood oppression and discrimination. A fellow demonstrator, who’d spent five years at an American University, said Obama was a Democrat who would pull troops out of Iraq and understood global warming, so he was bound to adopt a different approach towards Iran.

But for most Iranians, Tuesday’s historic inauguration might as well have been on a different planet; which just about sums up the gap between these two countries after thirty years of hostility. Iranians are apprehensive. They will wait to see what Obama does, not just what he says. Which is what the Bushes, father and son, used to say about Iran’s old enemy Saddam Hussein. America now has its new President. Iran knows he will soon be asking it for some answers.

Barack Obama Greeted with Hatred and Quiet Hope in Iran

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