Stephen Moldovan Bi-Annual Literary Award

Requesting book Submissions for Competition
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Dear Sir/Madam,

The Ariel Research Center for Defense and Communication is announcing the Stephen Moldovan biannual literary award for most original and valuable book contributing to Israeli security. The prize is $10,000 and is presented in an official ceremony at the Ariel University Center in Israel every December.

We are currently encouraging authors and publishers to submit their most distinguished works in English for the year 2012. We request a short author’s bio and three copies of the book. In case there is more than one winning book the sum will be divided accordingly.

My contact details are attached for any request of information.


Dr. Ron Schleifer
Ariel Research Center for Defense and Communication
Ariel University Center
Kiryat Mada, Ariel, Israel 40700
Phone: +972-2-586-8714

Stephen Moldovan Bi-Annual Literary Award

Requesting book Submissions for Competition
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