Message from the Editor:
I welcome our readers to the latest edition of the Faculty Forum. For the present, we are using the traditional layout but we do plan to use our new template in the newsletter which will soon follow. We have decided to classify the articles according to subject and content. We have created different categories of features so that the reader may form a coherent impression of the SPME world and develop an appreciation of the kinds of problems which concern academics and students on the American campus and abroad. For example, some of the feature categories which we have selected are: “Title VI Issues,” “Civil Discourse,” and “Keeping Track of the Other Side.” We have also divided the newsletter into five sections, based mainly on the type of subject matter on hand: I. “From SPME,” II. “From the Campus,” III. “From Our Members,” IV. “From the News,” and, V. “Staying Connected.” (Some of these sections are not complete at present.) This arrangement will make it more convenient for the reader to follow subjects and issues of special personal interest. It will also provide continuity between editions. For this issue, we shall publish Sections I and II, plus two reviews from Section III. More will follow in our next edition.
Here is the list of feature headings for the Faculty Forum:
I. From SPME
- SPME Initiatives and Interventions: Campaigns and Petitions
- SPME in the News
II. From the Campus
- Campus News and Tolerance Report
- Title VI Issues
- Civil Discourse
- In the Courtroom: Legal Precedents and Decisions
- Keeping Track of the Other Side
III. From Our Members (and Subscribers)
- Essays and Opinion
- Book Reviews
- New Ideas and Interpretations
- Personal Initiatives
- Letters from our Readers
IV. From the News
- News and analysis
- Regional Concerns
- News from Abroad
- Background to the News
V. Staying Connected
- Resource Materials
- Blogosphere
- Social Networking
Although much of the information in this edition comes from electronic publications, we are glad to include some original contributions, including several book reviews. We would like to increase our original content and do welcome contributions from our readers. It is our plan that the Faculty Forum should be rich in content and responsive to our readers’ preferences. It may take a little time to find the right combination, but it is a continuous process, and we are doing our best. If you wish to contribute, please be in touch with me. We also welcome feedback.
Our editorial policy supports the principles set out in the SPME Mission Statement of August 2, 2011:
Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, [SPME), is a grass-roots community of scholars who have united to promote honest, fact based, and civil discourse, especially in regard to Middle East issues. We believe that ethnic, national, and religious hatreds, including anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism, have no place in our institutions, disciplines and communities. We employ academic means to address these issues.
We welcome scholars from all disciplines, faiths, and nationalities who share our desire for peace and our commitment to academic freedom, intellectual integrity, and honest debate.
One can gather from the reports below that SPME is a proactive organization, which, during the past quarter has booked some outstanding accomplishments. SPME is a vital organization comprised of individuals and individualists. Our members are committed to their ideals and are frequently busy with their personal initiatives. SPME has a solid representation of self-starters. In the current environment, the initiative of a single person, having leadership ability, creative talent and “sticktoitivity,” can make a real difference.
SPME is an organization where the individual still counts. It offers its public the opportunity to form new friendships, to exchange ideas, and even to have a good argument. We encourage our readers and subscribers to join now. Just send an e-mail to our Director of Administrative Services, Elizabeth Gaither Elizabeth will provide the necessary information.
I wish to thank those who have encouraged me and offered helpful suggestions. Special thanks go to the head of the SPME Communications Committee, Richard Cravatts, for his helpful suggestions and friendly guidance.
Joel Fishman, Ph. D., Editor of the Faculty Forum