
Rampant Anti-Semitism Is Flourishing across the World

Sitting in my office almost forty floors above ground level in midtown Manhattan last week, I was astounded to be drawn away from my work by chants of “Free free Palestine” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will…

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BDS, MLA, and One Rockin’ Shavuot Night

The Rolling Stones’ first concert in Israel began as the holiday of Shavuot ended, and quite fittingly, too. When better for rock-n-roll royals to journey to the Holy Land than during one of Judaism’s three festivals of pilgrimage? Moreover, when…

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Israel and the apartheid state-et tu Tutu?

It has become fashionable to label Israel as an apartheid state. Bishop Tutu has been in the vanguard of this libel, together with his calls for boycotting Israel. I grew up in South Africa during the apartheid years and witnessed…

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Stealth Anti-Semitism

By this week, the Rialto Unified School District school board outside of Los Angeles was in full damage control, fending off universal opprobrium over a third-quarter English Language Arts argumentative writing/research project given to 2,000 eighth-graders. The breathtakingly ill-conceived assignment asked students…

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The Hypocrisy of the Campus Attack on Israel

Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, has become a yearly tradition in which we reflect on those lives senselessly taken amidst the horrors of the Holocaust. It also reminds us of the fragility, as well as the vulnerability, of human…

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Blinder Konsens gegen Israel

Während der nahöstliche Friedensprozess zwischen Israelis und der PA erwartungsgemäß an mangelnden Zugeständnissen der Palästinenser vorläufig gescheitert ist, während Mahmoud Abbas damit droht, die Osloer Verträge  – und damit Sicherheitsvereinbarungen vor Ort mit Israel – endgültig zu beerdigen, sieht die…

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Blinder Konsens gegen Israel

Während der nahöstliche Friedensprozess zwischen Israelis und der PA erwartungsgemäß an mangelnden Zugeständnissen der Palästinenser vorläufig gescheitert ist, während Mahmoud Abbas damit droht, die Osloer Verträge  – und damit Sicherheitsvereinbarungen vor Ort mit Israel – endgültig zu beerdigen, sieht die…

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The Search for a Single Zionist Story

The modern state of Israel was born in the mind of an ecstatic playwright named Theodor Herzl. It was an idea, a story, and a drama long before it became the physical reality that it is today. Before it could…

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