Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS)

The boycott and Lawrence of Arabia Syndrome

Let us revel this morning in our own righteousness, our self-evident immunity from reproach, our moral stain-repellence, our unerring instinct for the just, our irresistible compulsion to right wrongs and raise the downtrodden. Let’s, just for the moment, be British…

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An Open Letter from Israeli Feminist Academics to Their Colleagues in England

Dear Colleagues, We recently learned that the (British) Association of University Teachers, at its forthcoming council, is to debate a decision to boycott three Israeli universities for their alleged complicity with the Israeli government’s policies on the Palestinian territories. Such…

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The “Protocols” 21st Century Style in the UK and at Oxford

27/05/2006 The ‘Protocols,’ 21st century style By Benjamin Neuberger Currently, another academic boycott of Israel is being organized in Britain. The boycott movement does not represent all British lecturers and intellectuals. The organizers are not a majority but clearly rather…

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Chomsky needs to learn a lot more about Lebanon

Ya Libnan Volunteer Noam Chomsky visited Hezbollah’s Headquarters and met with their Secretary General, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah in the Southern suburb of Beirut. After the meeting he defended Hezbollah’s rights to hold onto their arms. Chomsky, a critic of US…

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Analysis: The Hamas-Fatah war

The question on the Palestinian street is no longer when civil war will break out, but when will it end. Armed clashes between Hamas and Fatah supporters have been taking place every day since the deployment of the new Hamas…

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Boycotting Israel – Is Natfhe against Scientific Progress ?

People who cherish the values of independence of thought, scientific research free of governmental intervention and academic freedom, and who are used to fighting governmental encroachment on such freedom find themselves in a strange situation nowadays. The current threat to…

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The Guardian’s Demonization Campaign,

The Guardian publishes a spate of anti-Israel pieces including calls for sanctions and comparisons to apartheid. Israel is confronting a number of well-organized campaigns, including an academic boycott by a British teachers union, and continuing attempts by the Presbyterian and…

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