Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS)

Elisabeth Kübler: Buchbesprechung: Deutsch-jüdische Verhältnis Yves Pallade: Germany and Israel in the 1990s and Beyond: Still a ‘Special Relationship’?(European University Studies – Series XXXI – Political Science)Frankfurt / Main et. al: Peter Lang, 2005,599 S., EUR 88,40ISBN: 3-631-54203-8 Die Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Israel,…

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Wahied Wahdat-Hagh: Iran: Die Kriegsökonomie des islamischen Gottesstaates Der iranische Ölminister bestreitet, dass die Rationierung des Benzinkonsums etwas mit den Sanktionsdrohungen zu tun hat. Weiter steigende Benzinimporte werden die iranischen Staatsausgaben so erhöhen, dass die Devisenreserven der islamischen Diktatur zur Neige gehen. Der iranische Ölminister, Seyyed Kazem…

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Steven Plaut: Support The Boycott! End The Occupation!

We, Israeli professors for justice and peace, do hereby appeal to researchers, academics, scholars and teachers, in Israel and throughout the world, to take a firm and clear stand against the continuing occupation and denial of rights. We are, of…

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Ken Ellingwood: Fatah On Shaky Ground in West Bank,1,1198387.story?coll=la-news-a_section&ctrack=1&cset=true Many are looking to the fractured Palestinian party to curb Hamas’ reach, but some wonder whether it will be able to hang on to its stronghold. RAMALLAH, WEST BANK – Routed in the Gaza Strip, the Fatah party of…

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Clifford D. May: Time to Set Benchmarks for Abbas “Extremists link up with extremists.” So said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice last week upon hearing that Ayman al-Zawahri, the top deputy to Osama bin Laden, had released a message enthusiastically supporting Hamas’ bloody takeover of Gaza. Public relations-wise,…

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Alan Johnston in His Own Words,,2118343,00.html Johnston: ‘It’s been three months since I saw the sun’. Photograph: Mohammed Abed, AFP His feelings on being released“It is just the most fantastic thing to be free… indescribably good to be out [after 114 days in captivity]. I…

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Dan Diker: Why Israel Must Now Move from Concessions-Based Diplomacy to Rights-Based Diplomacy Israel faces a painful paradox. Its generous territorial concessions climaxing in the 2005 Gaza withdrawal have not resulted in greater international support or sympathy, but rather a further deterioration in its international standing. Indeed, the very legitimacy of the…

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