Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS)

Syrian Muslim: Why I Admire Israel Washington DC, May 5, 2007/Reform Syria Blog – Farid Ghadry/ – As a Syrian and a Muslim, I have always had this affinity for the State of Israel. As a businessman and an advocate of the free economic system…

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Carol Gould: America Beckons Once More Now, a new boycott of Israel by the Irish nation makes one feel it is no longer nice for Jews to be in the British Isles… London31 July 2007 Lately my thoughts have been turning to my great-grandparents, whose…

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Der Historiker Wolfgang Benz über die Antisemitismusforschung und neue Formen des Judenhasses Das Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung gehört zu den weltweit bekanntesten Forschungsinstituten Berlins. Seit 1990 leitet es der Historiker Wolfgang Benz. Der 66-Jährige gehört zu den bekanntesten Zeithistorikern Deutschlands und den weltweit angesehensten Holocaust-Forscher. Mit ihm sprach Sven Felix Kellerhoff über…

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Hank Brown: Why I Fired Professor Churchill

University of Colorado Ethnic Studies Professor Ward Churchill was fired this week after the university’s Board of Regents approved my recommendation to dismiss him for academic fraud. The ongoing drama now moves to state court, where Mr. Churchill has filed…

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Mansour al-Nogaidan: Losing My Jihadism BURAIDAH, Saudi Arabia Islam needs a Reformation. It needs someone with the courage of Martin Luther. This is the belief I’ve arrived at after a long and painful spiritual journey. It’s not a popular conviction — it has attracted…

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Ruthie Blum: One on One: TheTyranny of the Weak ‘We have to understand the origin of the terms we throw around,” says Joel Fishman, a fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) and adjunct fellow at the University of Calgary’s Center for Military and Strategic Studies.…

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Benjamin Weinthal: Linker Antisemitismus

Bye bye, German Left! Wie linke Zeitungen den Antisemitismus kritisieren, den sie zugleich nähren. Ein Debattenbeitrag von Benjamin Weinthal, European Fellow an der FU,… … im April 2007 in der “Jungle World” erschienen, nun auch auf AVIVA zu lesen.…

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