Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS)

Fouad Ajami: Bush of Arabia It was fated, or “written,” as the Arabs would say, that George W. Bush, reared in Midland, Texas, so far away from the complications of the foreign world, would be the leader to take America so deep into Arab…

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Dennis Ross: Baby Steps To: President George W. BushFrom: Dennis RossSubject: This week’s visit with the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority Mr. President, no doubt you have received many briefings on this topic, but having negotiated with everybody you will be seeing…

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Michael Oren: Bush’s Mideast Muddle George W. Bush’s visit to Israel today — the first of his presidency — has many Israelis confused. Is he coming to advance the peace process begun six weeks ago at the Annapolis Summit, that 83% of Israelis see…

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Jeffrey Goldberg: Jihad and Jew Hatred by Matthias Kuntzel Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11.By Matthias Küntzel.Translated by Colin Meade.180 pp. Telos Press Publishing. $29.95. This book is available through SPMEMart One day in Damascus not long ago, I visited the understocked gift shop of the Sheraton…

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Leslie H. Gelb: Critique of Israel Lobby Dangerously Misleading The Israel Lobbyand U.S. Foreign PolicyBy John J. Mearsheimerand Stephen M. Walt.Farrar, Straus & GirouxPenguin, 496 pages, $34 This book is an extended version of the authors’ highly controversial article of a year ago, which appeared in The London…

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George Weidenfeld: Zeit seines Lebens voller Neugierde Der britische Verleger George Weidenfeld ist einer der ganz großen Netzwerker und Brückenbauer. Ein Kosmopolit, der Gott und die Welt kennt. Mit Andrea Seibel spricht er über seine Kindheit, die Kraft der Freundschaft und die Eigenheiten der Deutschen. Die…

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Fouad Ajami: The Powers of Petrocracy In Venezuela, a common expression captures that nation’s ambivalent mood about its bounty of oil: “Columbus discovered us, Bolivar liberated us, and oil ruined us.” On the face of it, and at a time of astounding hikes in the…

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Daniel Pipes: Palestinians Who Prefer Israel /servlet/Satellite?cid=1198517266741&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Palestinians have a hidden history of appreciating Israel that contrasts with their better-known narrative of vilification and irredentism. The former has been particularly evident of late, especially since Israel’s prime minister, Ehud Olmert, floated a trial balloon in…

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Alexander Ritzmann: Plötzlicher Zuwachs bei deutschen Islamisten Politiker und Medien hatten bisher versucht, die Öffentlichkeit damit zu beruhigen, dass nur ein Prozent der 3,5 Millionen Muslime in Deutschland Islamisten seien. Nun sind es plötzlich mehr als zehnmal so viele. Und sie sind vor allem demokratiefeindlich. Fast…

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Wahied Wahdat-Hagh: Iran: Wenn die Moral der Revolutionsgardisten sinkt In Teheran soll noch in diesem Winter ein Kongress unter dem Motto „Die Rolle der Moral im asymmetrischen Krieg” durchgeführt werden. Der Kongress soll der moralischen Schwächung der Pasdaran entgegen wirken. Tatsächlich sind einige Militärs in die USA übergelaufen.…

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