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Natan Sharansky: One-Sided Concessions to Terror Will Bring More Terror,1,2685653.story?ctrack=3&cset=true Natan Sharansky is a former Soviet dissident and Israeli Cabinet member who spent nine years in a gulag because of his human-rights activities. Released in 1986 after worldwide lobbying, he immigrated to Israel, where he eventually founded the Yisrael…

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Khaled Abu Toameh: Comment: Bishara Betrayed his Own – Israeli Arabs Azmi Bishara not only betrayed the state, but also the 70,000 people who voted for him in the last parliamentary election. And the damage he has done to the cause of Israel’s entire Arab minority is almost irreparable. Bishara…

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Alan M. Dershowitz: The Real Jimmy Carter

I have known Jimmy Carter for years. I first met him in the spring of 1976 when, as a relatively unknown candidate for president, he sent me a handwritten letter asking for my help in his campaign on issues of…

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Zalman Shoval: Arabian Delusions “The Palestinians,” the late Abba Eban famously said, “never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” This seems to go for the Arab world as a whole, judging by the recent Arab leaders’ summit in Riyadh. Those taking part…

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Dina Porat, Robert Wistrich and Yehuda Bauer: Hate’s Revival The “new Antisemtism” is not about criticism of Israel but demonisation The statistics are damning. Antisemitic incidents are up nearly 50% in one year. They have increased seven-fold since 1989. Moreover, racist assaults on Jewish individuals nearly doubled globally…

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Dion Nissenbaum: Israel’s Culture of Criticism Helps it Probe Bungled War JERUSALEM — The parallels between the United States’ war in Iraq and Israel’s war against Hizballah last summer are striking: Both stemmed from surprise attacks, both were overwhelmingly popular at their start and both grew widely unpopular as more…

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Christian Ortner: Gas vom Gaskammerleugner Die Beliebtheit von multinationalen Ölkonzernen hält sich ja in eher überschaubaren Grenzen. Dass nun trotzdem Österreich im „nationalen Schulterschluss“ hinter der OMV und deren geplantem Gasdeal mit dem Iran steht, dürfte daher nicht zuletzt daran liegen, dass ausgerechnet die…

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Jürgen König: Judaphobie

In Großbritannien und im übrigen Europa breitet sich ein neuer Antisemitismus aus – unter jungen Muslimen und in linksliberalen Kreisen. Vor ein paar Wochen sollte der deutsche Politikwissenschaftler Mathias Küntzel in Leeds einen Vortrag über islamischen Antisemitismus halten. Es…

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Wahied Wahdat-Hagh: Iran: Wenn die Sittenwächter zuschlagen In den letzten Tagen wurden im Iran über 150.000 Frauen vorläufig verhaftet, weil sie die staatlich vorgeschriebene Kleiderordnung nicht beachtet haben. Das Ausmaß der Verhaftungen erinnert an die revolutionären Zeiten des Iran. Es handelt sich um eine massive Kampagne…

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Michael Stürmer: Germany: The Implications of the Greater Middle East EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The German role in preventing naval shipments of arms supplies for Hizbollah during the war in southern Lebanon last summer should be a harbinger for a more active EU role within the Middle East. The Iraq war…

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