Latest News on BDS

Noah Pollak: Show of Force On June 9, 2006, a beach in Gaza was rocked by an explosion that killed seven members of a Palestinian family. Shortly afterward, Palestinian Authority television released a horrific video showing a 10-year-old girl shrieking amidst the dead bodies…

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Richard L. Cravatts: Archeology and the Propaganda War Against Israel Mr. Cravatts, Ph.D., director of Boston University’s Program in Book and Magazine Publishing at the Center for Professional Education, writes frequently on terrorism, higher education, politics, culture, law, marketing, and housing, and is currently writing a book about the…

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Wahied Wahdat-Hagh: Iran: Die zerrissene Gesellschaft Während einige Hundert Studenten auf einer Demonstration Demokratie und Menschenrechte forderten und Ahmadinejad als „Faschisten” bezeichneten, verbrannten am Al-Quds-Tag Tausende von Iranern israelische und amerikanische Fahnen. Studenten protestieren für Demokratie und Menschenrechte Eigentlich wollte Präsident Ahmadinejad mit den Studenten…

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David Ellenson: Down With Interfaith Dialogue

URL: While the appearances President Ahmadinejad made at both Columbia University and the United Nations dominated press reports last week, there was another meeting at a chapel across from the General Assembly that the Iranian president held last week…

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Wahied Wahdat-Hagh: Iran: Steinigung als Staatsgesetz Mohammad Javad Larijani ist Vorsitzender des „Menschenrechtsstabes der iranischen Justiz”. Er besteht darauf, dass die Strafe der Steinigung weder Folter noch unangemessen sei. Er begründet dies damit, dass die Strafe der Steinigung auf einem religiösen Gesetz beruhe und in…

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Roger Cohen: The New L-Word: Neocon A few years back, at the height of the jingoistic post-9/11 wave, the dirtiest word in the American political lexicon was “liberal.” Everyone from President Bush to Ann Coulter was using it to denote wimplike, Volvo-driving softies too spineless…

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Amjad Barham: We Will Not be Silenced

The cancellation of the Palestinian academics’ UK speaking tour amounts to censorship and bullying, writes Amjad Barham,,2181968,00.html Palestinian academics received with dismay, although not entirely with surprise, the decision by the University and College Union (UCU) to cancel their…

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Jeffrey Goldberg: The Usual Suspect

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign PolicyBy John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt(Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 484 pp., $26) In October 2002, Osama bin Laden issued a statement in which he analyzed America’s inexhaustible number of sins and prescribed…

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Jonathan Schanzer: Anti-Semitic Jihad (al-Khazen) Why does the Arab world blame an insidious Jewish cabal for America’s anti-terrorist or anti-autocratic policies in the Middle East? There are many reasons, ranging from jihadist ideology to vitriolic state-run media. The book The Israel Lobby by professors…

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