Latest News on BDS

Irwin Cotler: The Forgotten Exodus This week marks the 60th anniversary of the UN Partition Resolution of Nov. 29, 1947. It is sometimes forgotten that this was the first ever blueprint for an Israeli-Palestinian two-state solution. Regrettably, while Jewish leaders accepted the resolution, Arab…

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Amnon Rubinstein: On Dreams and Nightmares If Israel is not a Jewish state, it can’t be called Israel, because Israel is a synonym for the Jewish people. If Israel is not Jewish, its Declaration of Independence should be annulled, because it talks about the establishment…

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Barbara Kay: Taking Back the Campus Last week, I wrote about the “new anti-Semitism” disguised as anti-Zionism, and identified the university campus as ground zero for the dissemination of Israel-hatred into the general culture. To-day’s column focuses on strategies pro-Israel students are adopting to deal…

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Shalom Lappin: This Green and Pleasant Land: Britain and the Jews [1] I will not cease from mental fight,Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,Till we have built JerusalemIn England’s green and pleasant land.from William Blake, Jerusalem, 1804 Introduction In 2006 the UK celebrated the 350th anniversary of Cromwell’s readmission…

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Salim Mansur: Sham, Here We Go Again The upside about the Mideast conference to be hosted by the Bush administration at Annapolis, Md., is the low expectation of all parties for any dramatic breakthrough to bring to an end the Palestinian-Israeli dispute over land and refugees…

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Thomas L. Friedman: Oasis or Mirage? Annapolis, Md. The Middle East is experiencing something we haven’t seen in a long, long time: moderates getting their act together a little, taking tentative stands and pushing back on the bad guys. If all that sounds kind of,…

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Dennis Ross: The Day After Annapolis Will this Israeli-Palestinian conference be statecraft or stagecraft? The answer can only come in the period just after summit in Maryland. Today, nearly 50 nations and organizations will convene in Annapolis, Md., to talk, in theory, about support for…

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David Horovitz: The Challenge of Annapolis The two-term American president is entering the final months of his time in office, and hopes desperately to mark his departure by fostering a breakthrough agreement on the intractable Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His secretary of state is dispatched to organize…

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