Fighting for Civil Discourse and Academic Freedom




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Under Fire, University of Michigan Press Changes Guidelines Which Could Affect Relationship With Pluto Press After Koval Controversy
150 150 Andy Kroll, Daily Staff Reporter

After taking criticism for its lack of authority over the content of books it distributes for third-party publishers, the University of Michigan Press released guidelines on Friday outlining its policies fordistribution deals. The new rules could impact its relationship with the controversial left-wing publisher Pluto Press. The new guidelines say the University Press will only…

Deutsche Akademiker: “Israel nicht mehr blind unterstützen”
150 150 E. Hausen NETANJA (inn) – Eine Gruppe deutscher Akademiker hat die Bundesregierung aufgefordert, die “im Holocaust wurzelnde blinde Unterstützung für Israel” zu beenden. Die vier Wissenschaftler nahmen am Montag an einem Diskussionsabend in der israelischen Küstenstadt Netanja teil. Sie gehören zu den 25 Unterzeichnern eines israelkritischen Manifests, das nach dem Zweiten Libanonkrieg veröffentlicht wurde. Die Debatte…

London students call for divestment from Israel
150 150 SPME,7340,L-3507553,00.htm The London School of Economics Students’ Union (LSESU) on Thursday passed a resolution calling for its university and the National Union of Students in the United Kingdom to divest from companies that provide commercial and military support to Israel, which they dubbed the “apartheid regime,” according to reports in British media. The discussion last…

Community Organizations Meet with UM President and Provost Regarding Pluto Press
150 150 Jonathan Harris, director of StandWithUs-Michigan Local representatives from Bnai Brith, American Jewish Committee, the Jewish Community Relations Council, and StandWithUs met with University President Mary Sue Coleman and University Provost Terry Sullivan, Tuesday, February 12. President Coleman and Provost Sullivan assured the assembled group that the Pluto Press contract and all distribution contracts are being reviewed under the new…