Suits Against Terrorists Groups Should Be Considered

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Re: The July Article by Gerald Steinberg , in which he argues that the price for existence of the Jewish State may be that they must endure the terror attacks and accept the deaths and injury that result.
I suggest that litigation be commenced against the terrorist groups.For instance the citizens of Sderot might consider an action in the Israeli Supreme court and a companion action in the world criminal court against Hamas for the bombing of Sderot.

Likewise an action could be taken for a declaration that Hezbullah is in breach of UN. resolution 1705 ie. Requiring them to lay down their arms. It does not matter that these tribunals would probably refuse to hear the cases. That only adds to the argument that they are biased. But a barrage of litigation would serve a useful educational purpose and show the truth to world press.. I also believe that targeted reprisals must continue as the only respect Israel gets from Arab terrorist is when the react strongly.

Charles Cohen, Toronto Ontario.

Suits Against Terrorists Groups Should Be Considered

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