Prof. Emeritus Stuart L. Meyer, Kellogg School, Northwestern on Response to NATFHE Boycott

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1) Obtain the names of individual British professors who have voted in favor of the boycott. If the union refuses to release these, publicize the fact that this is a secret blackball vote, even more offensive.

2) Publicize and circulate the individual names of those who have endorsed the boycott. I suspect that many of us would like to know this and might take it into consideration in extending hospitality, conference invitations, evaluating for jobs etc. Failing that, publicizing the names of all the members of the British union in toto would be interesting and potentially useful.

Since this is an affront to academic principles in general, it might be possible to ask non-Brits if they would like to require a necessary disclaimer ( of approval of the boycott ) from any Brit academic who might want an invitation to an international conference, apply for a job, be an editor of a journal ( how objective can an editor be if she participates in such blatant non-academic discrimination? ) etc. If nothing else, it would indicate how much solidarity other academics have for taking sides against this Brit union action.

Stuart L. Meyer
Department of Management & Strategy (Emeritus)
Kellogg School of Management
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. 60208-2013 USA

Personal: 773-262-3565; Fax 773-262-3656; Cell 773-715-5566

Prof. Emeritus Stuart L. Meyer, Kellogg School, Northwestern on Response to NATFHE Boycott

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