Jewish Faculty in UK Now Feel Fear and Unwelcome With Boycott Actions

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Some thoughts from the UK

I am a professor in the University of London

The proposed boycott has many effects, and does not only affect Israeli academics. There are many Jewish UK academics like myself, who now feel threatened and unwelcome. What therefore is critical is for UK university authorities to speak out against this, and to express their abhorrence with the attitudes of the UCU. One immediate effect is that USA and other academics will stop visiting the UK – we have already seen Steven Weinberg a very eminent physicist refusing to come to the UK. I am supposed to be organising a scientific meeting in the UK next year. This cannot now take place since Israelis would feel that they would not be not be welcome and US people will not come anyway.

Stephen Neidle DSc, PhD

Jewish Faculty in UK Now Feel Fear and Unwelcome With Boycott Actions

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