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Jonathan Rosenbaum: Is Truth Attainable? The debate surrounding the consideration of Dr. Nadia Abu El-Haj’s application for tenure at Columbia University highlighted far larger questions for contemporary academe: Can tendentious, politically motivated, subjective, polemical, unbalanced, and/or intentionally misleading and inaccurate publications qualify the possessor…

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Studying Middle East Studies: Introduction Before Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Columbia dominated news on and off campus, another matter of Middle East politics and academic freedom was causing controversy: the tenure status of Nadia Abu El-Haj. A member of the anthropology department at Barnard…

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Barbara Kay on the College Campus: Anti-Semitism’s Last Refuge A1930s Jewish joke has two Polish yeshiva students walking down the street, suddenly aware of a pair of anti-Semitic thugs behind them brandishing sticks. The boys flee, the hooligans in pursuit. As the chase continues, one Jew asks the…

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Mitchell Cohen: Anti-Semitism and the Left that Doesn’t Learn I. A DETERMINED offensive is underway. Its target is in the Middle East, and it is an old target: the legitimacy of Israel. Hezbollah and Hamas are not the protagonists, the contested terrains are not the Galilee and southern…

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Joachim Riecker: Ein Tabu-Thema

November 22, 2007 Es ist ein heikles Thema, und jeder falsche Zungenschlag kann schnell große Missverständnisse auslösen. Die beiden amerikanischen Politikwissenschaftler John Mearsheimer aus Chicago und Stephen Walt von der Universität Harvard haben in einem Buch den Einfluss einer…

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Benjamin Balint: Blushing for the Jewish State: The Case of Tony Judt Abstract:Another generation of anti-Israel intellectuals is coming into its own. To understand what this portends, we might do well to listen to the pronouncements of Tony Judt, historian première classe and representative of a new group that dangerously restyles…

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Christoph von Marschall: Sündenbock Israel;art138,2418218 Mit Schwindeleien kann man viel Geld verdienen. In der Wirtschaft nennt man das Betrug, im Buchwesen Tabubruch. Zwei amerikanische Politologen, John Mearsheimer von der University of Chicago und Stephen Walt von der Harvard University, haben ein Buch mit dem…

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“Ohne Israel-Lobby kein Irakkrieg”

John Mearsheimer und Stephen Walt, Autoren des umstritten Buches, wehren sich im STANDARD-Interview gegen jeden Antisemitismus- Vorwurf John Mearsheimer und Stephen Walt, zwei renommierte US-Politikwissensch after, machen die Israel-Lobby für den Irakkrieg und andere Fehler verantwortlich, wehren sich aber gegen…

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