Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS)

Chaim Noll: DSCHIHAD Raketen im Namen Allahs Die Weltöffentlichkeit ist schockiert von den Bildern der Bombenopfer aus dem Gazastreifen. Israel gerät unter moralischen Druck, den die Hamas zynisch kalkuliert. Der deutsch-israelische Autor Chaim Noll über den Aufbau und die wahren Motive der islamistischen Terrororganisation. DROHGEBÄRDE: Maskierter…

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Thomas Darnstädt and Christoph Schult: Did Israel Commit War Crimes in Gaza?,1518,603508,00.html Did Israel violate international law in Gaza? The immense number of Palestinian civilian casualties suggests that it did. But can the laws of war really be applied to asymmetrical conflicts such as Israel’s war with Hamas? The Palmachim air…

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Richard Herzinger: Israels Feinde in Europa Im Schatten des Gaza-Kriegs blühen die Relativierung des Holocaust und offener Antisemitismus auf. Das bedroht die moderne europäische Identität im Innersten Es genüge nicht mehr, nur einen Waffenstillstand in Gaza zu fordern. “Wir haben die Pflicht, Partei zu ergreifen…

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Robert Satloff: Defining a ‘Prediplomacy’ Agenda for U.S.-Mideast Efforts Inheriting an uneasy truce in the Gaza Strip presents the Obama-Clinton-Mitchell team with an early set of critical Middle East tests. Before they can begin to address core issues in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, they will have to focus…

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Josef Joffe: Do Palestinians Really Want a Two-State Solution? What if there is no solution? With the war in Gaza slipping into an uneasy truce, peacemakers will now descend on the Middle East. That includes George Mitchell, President Obama’s special envoy to the region. AP These guys don’t…

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Tom Neumann: Anti-Israel Vs. Anti-Semite: The Tenacity of a Special Hatred,0,1357809.story The tone of the world protest against Israel’s action in Gaza should raise many perplexing questions for friends and supporters of Israel. At the same time, however, it should put to rest some formerly debated issues. As a longtime…

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