Fighting for Civil Discourse and Academic Freedom




Recent Articles

SPME Public newsletter January
150 150 Steven M. Albert

Sir/Madam: “Beacon of Hope” by Sarah Irving and Marc Hudson (3 December 2004) presents an inspiring description of a health program run by and for Palestinians. However, the article’s depiction of the conditions in which the Bethlehem Arab Society Rehabilitation Clinic functions is incomplete. The authors ascribe psychological and other problems affecting the population served…

Response to Phila. Citypaper
150 150 John R. Cohn, M.D.

Successful response: To the editor, As a physician, I admire Nader Hebela for using vacation time during his training to help treat Arab children in the disputed territories of the West Bank and Gaza, currently under the control of the Palestinian Authority (A good doctor’s mission, June 17-24, 2004). Unfortunately, while his dedication is admirable,…

Faculty in the Trenches
150 150 Tamar Sternthal

“Administrations and students come and go, but many faculty spend as much as 35 years at campuses. SPME is comprised of scholars trying to impact anti-Israelism among their colleagues by challenging academic publications, publishing original research and working internally within institutions to help students. This is not sexy and swift work with instant results. This…

Read the verbatim “Breaking the Silence” testimony for yourself
150 150 Steven M. Albert

Send response to journal:Re: Re: Read the verbatim “Breaking the Silence” testimony for yourself Derek Summerfield suggests that his critics read “Breaking the Silence,” posted on the internet. I have done so and suggest that his supporters also read it. In these 78 pages of testimony, we find three accounts of armed Palestinian police killed,…