Fighting for Civil Discourse and Academic Freedom




Recent Articles

‘Fight UC Irvine Campus Anti-Semitism’
150 150 Michal Lando A group of students at University of California, Irvine – known as one of the more militant campuses in the country when it comes to anti-Israel activity – took the chancellor to task in a news release this week for failing to adequately respond to the ongoing incidents on campus. The 20 current and…

Muslim Reformer’s ‘Heresy’: The Islamic State is a Dead End
150 150 Jane Lampman Abdullahi Ahmed an-Naim has seen what can happen to an Islamic reformer: His mentor was executed in 1985 in Sudan; he himself had to flee the country. Still, the self-described “Muslim heretic” has no trouble traveling the Islamic world spreading his controversial message: There is no such thing as an Islamic state. A secular…

Jewish Students Divided Over Chancellor Drake’s Response to Anti-Semitism at UC-Irvine
150 150 Emily Tall

Leaders of Jewish student groups at UC-Irvine expressed support for Chancellor Drake’s response to anti-semitism at UC-Irvine, while other current and former students released a statement voicing their deep concern at the Chancellor’s failure to act decisively to condemn anti-Semitic and anti-Israel attacks on campus. Two Hillel co-presidents, the presidents of a Jewish fraternity, Alpha…

‘Israel Apartheid Week’ under fire
150 150 Abe Selig During Israel Apartheid Week, which took place on the University of Toronto campus in February, the student body was presented with a flurry of information by anti-Israel activists, linking Israel’s policies toward Palestinians with South Africa’s former policy of segregation. Now, a group professors at the university wants to make sure it doesn’t happen…