German supermarket giant Aldi denies settlement boycott policy

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THE HAGUE, Netherlands (JTA) — The Dutch branch of the German supermarket  chain Aldi has backtracked from its stated policy of boycotting products made by  Israelis in the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem and the Golan.

“Aldi would like to emphatically state that it does not boycott products from  the occupied territories,” a spokesperson for Aldi’s Dutch branch wrote on  Monday to the Center for Information and Documentation on Israel, a Dutch  pro-Israel organization.

The spokesperson, Laetitia Gruwel, wrote in a letter to CIDI director Esther  Voet that “Aldi is not engaged in political or religious issues.” Aldi has  stores in 16 European countries, as well as in the United States and  Australia.

On Friday, an unnamed Aldi spokesperson confirmed to the Dutch daily Trouw  that Aldi’s Dutch branch has a policy of boycotting goods from Israeli  settlements, which the European Union considers illegal.

The spokesperson told Trouw that Aldi remains committed to its policy as  outlined in a report from April titled “Dutch Economic Links with the  Occupation,” which was commissioned by several Dutch organizations that are  critical of Israel.

The report said the Dutch subsidiary of Aldi informed the report’s authors  “that it does not want to sell products from Israeli settlements in occupied  territories and also has informed its suppliers about this policy.”

On Monday, Gruwel did not deny that Aldi made a statement to that effect but  said it was “incorrect information.” Currently, Aldi does not offer any products  from areas that the European Union considers illegal settlements, Trouw  reported.

According to Trouw, two other supermarket chains operating in the  Netherlands, Hoogevliet and Jumbo, have said they are boycotting settlement  products.

German supermarket giant Aldi denies settlement boycott policy

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