Gabriel Noah Brahm, PhD
Dr. Gabriel Noah Brahm is Professor of English and World Literature at Northern Michigan University, where he specializes in philosophical anthropology, political theory, and ideology critique. He is the founding director of Northern Michigan’s Center for Academic and Intellectual Freedom (C.A.I.F.), and currently serves as Senior Research Fellow at University of Haifa’s Herzl Institute for the Study of Zionism. He has previously been a Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) at Tel Aviv University, a Visiting Professor in the School of Philosophy and Religions at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Guest Instructor at Yad Vashem, and Scholar in Residence at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. He is an Associate Editor of Politics and Culture: An International Review of Books and an Advisory Editor of Fathom: For a Deeper Understanding of Israel and the Region. He blogs at Times of Israel. Follow him on Twitter @Brahmski.