Alexandra Preitschopf, MA

Alexandra Preitschopf, MA studied history and French literature and language at the universities of Salzburg (Austria) and Bordeaux (France). Her master’s thesis was on Jewish Identities in France after 1945 and their representation in contemporary French movies (2012). Currently she is working on her dissertation entitled “Anti-Semitism of exclusion”? Formations of Muslim identities in contemporary France between integration, disillusion and anti-Jewish resentments. In July 2013 she took part in the World Congress of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem where she presented first results in a paper on the topic Muslim anti-Semitism expressed in Rap and Hip-Hop Lyrics in France and Great Britain. Alexandra Preitschopf also worked as Tutor and Teaching assistant for Romance literature at the University of Salzburg and taught French and history in secondary school. Her research interests include Jewish history and culture, anti-Semitism, contemporary French history and cultural studies.