Both organizations are dedicated to fostering and strengthening academic ties between the U.S. and Israel, something we believe is critical to combating the growing anti-Israel/anti-Semitic sentiment found on many campuses throughout North America. “This mission will underscore the Israeli democracy at its best, while showcasing its fair and just legal system,” said Richard L. Cravatts, SPME’s president.
Some of the main highlights of the trip include a meeting with U.S. Ambassador to Israel, the Hon. Daniel B. Shapiro; a meeting with Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, Esq. from Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center – a civil rights non-governmental organization that combats terrorist organizations through lawsuits brought on behalf of victims of terror; a dinner reception hosted by SPME board member Prof. David Menashri, President of the College of Law and Business; Ramat Gan, featuring Law Deans from leading Israeli Universities; members of the Israeli Judiciary; and leading members of the Israeli Bar.
Overall, this mission will attempt to provide a deeper understanding of Israel and its surrounding neighborhood through its religious, political, economic, social, and geographical dimensions, all while gaining an appreciation for why Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.
“Further,” said Alyza Lewin President of the AAJLJ, “it is our hope that by meeting and interacting with their Israeli counterparts, the law deans will build relationships that will lead to academic exchanges between their respective law schools and Israeli ones.”
For further information please contact Asaf Romirowsky at or Alyza Lewin at
About The American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists (“AAJLJ”)
The AAJLJ is a non-profit association that is open to all. Through its members, the AAJLJ provides legal support to safeguard human rights. In addition, the AAJLJ works to combat those who utilize “lawfare” to delegitimize Israel. AAJLJ efforts include filing amicus briefs in cases relating to the right of an American citizen born in Jerusalem to have “Israel” listed as his/her place of birth on their U.S. passport, the unlawful nationalization of Jewish property in Arab countries, the immunity of foreign government officials from civil lawsuits, the recovery of damages under federal anti-terrorism laws from those who finance terrorism, and the constitutionality of the death penalty.
The AAJLJ seeks to promote an understanding of the principles of traditional Jewish Law among members of the bar, the judiciary, and the public. AAJLJ programs address the relevance and applicability of Jewish Law to current legal issues such as human rights, national security, free speech and religious liberty. Further, the AAJLJ promotes the study of law and ethics through law school courses, seminars and publications such as The Tribunal. It also assists the IAJLJ in utilizing its official international status as a United Nations Nongovernmental Organization to provide diplomatic and legal assistance to Jews and others around the world.