Last week, in response to recent reports in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Washington Post, Haaretz and other reports, Prof. Peter Haas, President of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East sent a letter to Ivory Nelson, Lincoln University President seeking clarification about what the university plans to do with reports of a tenured professor’s virulent anti-Israel remarks. An Associated Press report in the Washington Post also has two Pennsylvania law-makers Senators Anthony Williams and Daylin Leach contacting President Nelson about the remarks of Kaukab Siddique, a tenured professor of English Literature who allegedly called for the destruction of Israel, “if possible by peaceful means,” and made other alleged anti-Semitic remarks at a Washington Rally.
Reports from the Washington Post have the University responding to other inquiries saying that it was “unaware” of his remarks on campus and having Siddique responding as, ” I am against Israel-not against Jews.”
To date, the university has not responded to Prof. Haas’s letter.