Letters from our Readers

The U.S. Quarrel With Israel

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/15/AR2010031502667.html PRESIDENT OBAMA’S Middle East diplomacy failed in his first year in part because he chose to engage in an unnecessary and unwinnable public confrontation with Israel over Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem. Over the past six…

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Marwan Bishara: Talking Up War, Al Jazeera

SPME Editors’ Note: This article is presented as a public service and does not necessarily reflect the views of SPME, the Board or any of its members http://blogs.aljazeera.net/imperium/2010/02/13/talking-war It is time to enforce a Middle East moratorium on threats, counter…

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Die Lehren der Geschichte

http://www.lizaswelt.net/2010/02/die-lehren-der-geschichte.html „Ich bin stolz darauf, dass wir der Erzfeind der Nazi-Verbrechen sind. Ich bin stolz auf das Erbe unserer Väter – das Gegenteil jeder Rassenlehre. Ich bin stolz auf die Gründung des Staates Israel, die moralische und historische Antwort auf…

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Eroding Israel’s Legitimacy in the International Arena

http://www.reut-institute.org/en/Publication.aspx?PublicationId=3766 Israel is facing a dramatic assault on the very legitimacy of its existence as a Jewish and democratic state. The groups promoting this delegitimacy aim to isolate Israel and ultimately turn it into a pariah state. This issue of…

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Hurra, wir fraternisieren!

http://www.lizaswelt.net/2010/01/hurra-wir-fraternisieren.html Kennen Sie den? Unterhalten sich zwei Alzheimerpatienten. Fragt der eine: „Sag mal, weißt du, was ein Déjà-vu ist?“ Sagt der andere: „Keine Ahnung, aber mir ist so, als ob mich das schon mal jemand gefragt hätte.“ Der Witz passt…

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Times Editorial: Abuse of Process, 12.16.09

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/leading_article/article6958044.ece?openComment=true The application of law to warfare is among the greatest advances in Western civilisation over four centuries. In the name of human rights, that tradition is being traduced by a politicised campaign to harass the statesmen of a democracy.…

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The UN Gaza Report: A Substantive Critique

The UN Gaza Report: A Substantive Critique An expanded presentation by Ambassador Dore Goldwith Lt. Col. (ret.) Jonathan Dahoah Halevi The UN Gaza Report is the most vicious indictment of the State of Israel bearing the seal of the United…

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War Unchecked

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/14/AR2009111402279.html The U.N.’s Goldstone commission missed a chance to promote accountability on 21st-century battlefields. IN ORDER to eliminate the Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud, the United States launched at least 15 missile strikes in Pakistan this year and killed, besides Mr.…

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Boycott This: Smart Prosthetic Hand

http://www.theaugeanstables.com/2009/11/05/boycott-this-smart-prosthetic-hand/ Goldstone has unleashed a whole new round of boycotting activity, including the folks at Trondheim U. in Norway. As a number of people have pointed out, if you don’t want to be a hypocrite, refuse not only to deal…

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