
Faculty Forum January 2021

Dear Colleagues: Happy New Year! As we enter the New Year we are re-launching the Faculty Forum in addition, to our other products and publications including but not limited, to the BDS Monitor and our Webinars. Positively, in 2020 notwithstanding…

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SPME urges Berlin Jewish Museum to end BDS

Dear Colleagues: With the ongoing global rise in anti Semitism I would like to highlight two recent initiatives we were part of in Germany. We led the way in urging the Berlin Jewish Museum to return to its original mission of education about…

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2018: Year End Review

Dear Colleagues: As 2018 is coming to a close, we have seen a significant uptick in the normalization of anti-Semitism in the US and around the world compounded by the political toxicity on the Left and the Right. The American…

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The Message of IfNotNow

Dear Colleagues: As we enter the summer months, we have been observing how the hostile environment on campus pertaining to Israel has trickled down into summer programs such as Jewish overnight camps and birthright trips. In particular, the IfNotNow (INN)…

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Help End Biased Title VI Grants

Dear Colleagues: Many of us have long been aware of the problems within Middle East studies centers. Now in an effort to help end the biased Title VI Grants you can become a peer reviewer. Of late, SPME has learned…

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How the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is Taught

At the latest annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) we got a firsthand account of how Jewish pro-Israel groups are perceived on campus from MESA members. MESA has already dropped its original designation as a “non-political learned…

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Anti-Semitism & Charlottesville

Dear Colleagues: The recent events in Charlottesville have clearly raised the ever growing anti-Semitism bar even higher. Charlottesville was an example of how neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan were able to use the statue of Robert E. Lee to…

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