News from the Middle East

Springtime in Sinai

“SOMETIMES you have to subordinate strategic considerations to tactical needs,” says Ehud Barak, Israel’s defence minister, former prime minister and the country’s most decorated military man. This is one such time: Mr Barak, backed by the current prime minister, Binyamin…

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Ahmadinejad: Iran Determined to Eradicate Israel

Tehran – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Iran was determined to eradicate Israel, ISNA news agency reported Thursday. ‘Iran believes that whoever is for humanity should also be for eradicating the Zionist regime [Israel] as symbol of suppression and…

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Legal Opinion Challenges PLO Statehood Bid

Interview with Prof. Guy Goodwin-GillA legal opinion highlighting the challenges and risks facing the Palestinian people in their quest for statehood has been obtained by Al Jazeera, in the lead up to the Palestinian Liberation Organisation’s bid at the United…

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Australia Pulls Out of Durban Conference

AUSTRALIA has pulled out of the United Nations Durban conference to combat racism on grounds that it would likely to be a repeat of the initial racist and anti-semitic event. A spokesperson for Prime Minister Julia Gillard said Australia had…

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Antisemitismus und das ungarische Mediengesetz

In der letzten Ausgabe des deutschsprachigen Faculty Forum veröffentlichten wir einen Artikel von Karl Pfeifer über die antisemitisschen Ausfälle des ungarischen Magyar Hirlap . In Deutschland reagierte nun laut untenstehendem Bericht die Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft. Berlin – Die Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (ver.di)…

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Anschlagsserie im Süden Israels – Berichte

Anschlagsserie in Südisrael Botschaft des Israelischen Staates in Berlin 18. August 2011 Im Süden Israels sind heute Mittag mehrere Terroranschläge verübt worden.Nach aktuellem Kenntnisstand wurden die Anschläge im Gaza-Streifen geplant. zum Artikel Tagesschau:Der Süden Israels ist von einer Serie von…

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