Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS)

Alia Ibrahim: Hezbollah’s Mix of Prayer and Politics

BEIRUT One rainy morning in January, Itidal Karim took her two adolescent daughters and 4-year-old son and joined tens of thousands of other women dressed in black chadors to walk for miles through Beirut’s gritty suburbs. Arriving at their destination,…

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Tawfik Hamid: The Trouble With Islam

Not many years ago the brilliant Orientalist, Bernard Lewis, published a short history of the Islamic world’s decline, entitled “What Went Wrong?” Astonishingly, there was, among many Western progressives” a title. It is a false premise, these critics protested. They…

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Thomas Cushman: Only a Matter of Time…

Today, Britain and the West face a new Iranian hostage crisis. Reflecting on this and on President Ahmadinejad’s other actions and statements brings to mind George Orwell’s essay “Who are the War Criminals,” written during World War II. Orwell criticized…

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Alon Ben-Meir: Israel’s Call

The Israeli government should accept the Arab initiative because it has a solemn obligation to explore any possibility, however remote, to peacefully end the Arab-Israeli conflict. Israel can accept the Arab initiative in principle, and as long as it negotiates…

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Daoud Kuttab: Obstacle or Opportunity?

When Henry Kissinger coined the term “constructive ambiguity” during his attempts to negotiate Arab-Israeli peace, he couldn’t have expected that one day Palestinians would use it in their own peace initiative. The ambiguity in the agenda of the new Palestinian…

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Thomas L. Friedman: Many Plans, No News

In the Middle East today, home of the invention of algebra, a new math seems to have taken over. It is subtraction by addition. It goes like this: Add more trips to the region by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice…

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Dori Gold: Are the Saudis Seeking Peace?

With the visit of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice this week and the special attention she gave to the revival of the 2002 Saudi-inspired Arab Peace Initiative, expectations had been elevated that yesterday’s Riyadh Arab summit might provide a mechanism…

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