Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS)

Daniel Kurtzer: Looking for a Mediator to Fill an American Vacancy For nearly 40 years, the United States has fancied itself the most important “third party” in the Israel-Arab peace process. Some administrations have adopted ambitious approaches to peacemaking in which the US president or the secretary of state, or…

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Alan M. Dershowitz: Palestine’s Self-Inflicted Wound

I just returned from a visit from several university campuses during which I spoke about the Israeli-Palestine conflict. On these and other campuses anti-Israel students commemorate the Palestinian Nakba. They call this the Day of Catastrophe on which the Palestinians…

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Unheilbare Mediziner Eine Gruppe von 130 britischen Ärzten rief kürzlich in einem Brief an die britische Tageszeitung The Guardian dazu auf, die Israel Medical Association (IMA) zu boykottieren und sie aus der Dachorganisation World Medical Association (WMA) auszuschließen. Zur Begründung hieß…

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Bernd Marin: Junge Killer

Tag für Tag töten junge Palästinenser in Gaza junge Palästinenser. Doch warum zielen islamistische Hamas- auf säkulare Fatah-Aktivisten und sogar deren Kinder, nachdem die Errichtung einer Mauer sie daran hinderte, Israelis aller Altersstufen mit Steinen zu bewerfen oder in die…

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David Hirsh: The Wrong Way to Help Hopefully, next Wednesday, the University and College Union (UCU) will begin its first-ever conference by taking a clear, internationalist and intelligent stand for peace between Israel and Palestine; for an end to the Israeli occupation; for solidarity with Palestinians,…

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Edward S. Walker Jr.: The Uncivil War in Gaza

The Palestinians appear to be in an “uncivil war” even as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert are working toward serious dialog on peace. In my experience you can make book on it that when…

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Dr. Michael Oren: Wisdom of Waiting,7340,L-3402180,00.html The Palestinians are resorting to terrorism to attack Israel, Syria is threatening to embark on a war, hostile elements exploit southern Lebanon as a base for launching attacks on Israel – and the world condemns any Israeli attempt to…

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Europäische Energieinteressen im Iran stehen europäischen Sicherheitsinteressen entgegen. Die österreichische Mineralölverwaltung OMV und das iranische Regime planen neue Handelsvereinbarungen mit einem Geschäftsvolumen von ca. 30 Mrd. Dollar. Das iranische Regime bejubelt die Absichtserklärungen und erwartet, dass bis Ende des Jahres der Deal hieb- und stichfest ist. Iran…

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Khaled Abu Toameh: Fatah: We’ve Lost the Battle For Jerusalem For the Arab residents of Jerusalem, the construction of the security fence around the city has been both a blessing and a curse. Those living on the Israeli side of the fence feel more comfortable now that they know…

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