Latest News on BDS

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Jew-Free Investing

C-suites, board rooms and investment firms across the globe are increasingly at risk of becoming unwitting accomplices to one of the most pernicious forms of economic warfare waged against the world’s only Jewish State. How can they protect themselves? Simple:…

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Session of the Cortes Generales. Photo: Ministry of Defense/Flickr.

Spanish Government Rules BDS is Discriminatory

Session of the Cortes Generales. Photo: Ministry of Defense/Flickr. Spain’s fight to eradicate antisemitism notched two significant legal victories this week. On Monday, the Supreme Court of Spain ruled that the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Israel is…

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Building a Progressive Tower of Babel

In January 2016, I became President and CEO of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), the then 70-year-old Jewish advocacy and community relations umbrella group for the American Jewish community. On my first day on the job, the Jewish…

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BDS supporter awarded Nobel Prize in Literature

Annie Ernaux, a French author who won the 2022 Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday, has voiced her support Palestinian-led Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement in the past and called to boycott the Eurovision Song Contest which was held…

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