Latest News on BDS

Jeremy Newmark: Build Bridges Not Boycotts Last Wednesday, the University and College Union Congress, the second in its short history, followed the well-worn path of its inaugural event last year, along with that of its predecessor unions, in proposing a boycott motion against Israeli academics…

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Shalom Lappin: Living in a Hostile Environment In their advice [pdf] to the Stop the Boycott campaign on the legal status of the UCU boycott motion (subsequently adopted by the UCU conference on May 28, 2008), Michael Beloff QC and Pushpinder Saini QC of Blackstone Chambers,…

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Mark T. Clark: Response to Raymond Ibrahim: Islam’s War Doctrines Ignored Raymond Ibrahim rightly notes the value of LTC Joseph Myers’ presentation at the first annual conference of the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA). Myers discussed an obscure-to the West, at least-text on Islamic…

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Raymond Ibrahim: Islam’s War Doctrines Ignored At the recent inaugural conference for the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA), presenter LTC Joseph Myers made an interesting point that deserves further elaboration: that, though military studies have traditionally valued and absorbed…

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David Schenker: Syria: Between Negotiations with Israel and the Iranian Axis _ David Schenker The Syria-Iran alliance predated the rise to power of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Prior to the 1979 Iranian revolution, President Hafiz Assad offered Ayatollah Khomeini sanctuary in Syria. Subsequently, Syria was the first Arab state to…

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Al-Durra Case Revisited It’s hard to exaggerate the significance of Mohammed al-Durra, the 12-year-old Palestinian boy allegedly killed by Israeli bullets on Sept. 30, 2000. The iconic image of the terrified child crouching behind his father helped sway world opinion against the…

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Jonathan Spyer: UNRWA: Barrier to Peace Executive Summary: The United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) wascreated under the jurisdiction of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),with the unique responsibility of solely aiding the Palestinians. Due to thisspecial status, the UNRWA perpetuates, rather than resolves,…

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Wahied Wahdat-Hagh: Geiseln der iranischen Religionsdiktatur 770 000 Anhänger der Glaubensgemeinschaft der Bahai leben im Iran. Sie werden verfolgt – auch deshalb, weil sie Israel anerkennen Der Vorwurf lautet: “Gefährdung der nationalen Sicherheit”. Eine Anschuldigung, die den iranischen Geheimdienst gezielt zuschlagen lässt: Sieben Mitglieder der…

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