
Collaborators in the War against the Jews: Judith Butler

Professor Judith Butler from Berkeley’s Department of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature is not just your ordinary deconstructionist feminist anti-Semite.  A self-proclaimed leading scholar in the pseudo-discipline of “Queer Studies,” she is also one of the leading academic defenders of anti-Semitism, which…

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Yale prof sounds alarm over new anti-Semites

Dr. Charles Asher Small, a Yale University scholar with a background in social theory and human rights work, sounded alarm bells on rising anti-Semitism in the guise of anti-Zionism. “The new form of anti-Semitism is the delegitimization, the dehumanization of…

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NTNU: A Norwegian Hate University

The Norwegian government’s pension fund’s decision to divest Elbit shares is only the tip of the iceberg of hate actions and propaganda against Israel in that country. Israel’s enemies have been further encouraged by the results of last Monday’s parliamentary…

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German Official Was At Anti-Israel Rally

  Ambassador to Iran Herbert Honsowitz violated EU guidelines by allowing a military attaché to attend an anti-Israel military parade in Teheran late last month, according to a spokeswoman for the German Foreign Ministry’s Iran section. “Israel must be wiped…

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Anti-Semitism Denial

On September 20, 2002 Lawrence H. Summers, the president of  Harvard University, delivered to the Harvard community a speech  deploring the upsurge of antisemitism in many parts of the globe: he specified synagogue bombings, physical assaults on Jews, desecration of Jewish holy places, and…

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