
How not to fight anti-Semitism

Since 2007, I have actively participated in all three global forums held in Jerusalem to combat anti- Semitism. These are undoubtedly important and necessary gatherings which enable a wide variety of concerned, professional and committed people from around the world…

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Pro-Israel professor harassed and defamed

For some years, Tammi Rossman-Benjamin has been almost the sole faculty voice in the University of California system speaking out against harassment of Jewish students who support Israel. Here is an excerpt from a complaint she filed with the US Department of…

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Blaming the victim for anti-Semitism

Of late we have witnessed a new methodology used to suppress those who speak out against anti- Semitism in academia. Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, a Hebrew lecturer at UC Santa Cruz, and Ronnie Fraser, a lecturer in mathematics in London, have respectively…

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Can the Left Stand Up Against Anti-Semites?

We don’t normally pay much attention to what is published in Tikkun magazine, let alone what its editor Michael Lerner disseminates via his email list. But occasionally Lerner’s tirades shine a light on the positions of the far left that illustrates exactly…

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The UCU, Zionism and anti-Semitism

Not long ago in this column I wrote about the case which had been brought against the University Trade Union in the UK by one of its members, accusing it of institutional anti-Semitism. The case was heard by an independent…

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L’Antisionisme sur les campus américains

Certains campus universitaires américains sont devenus depuis une dizaine d’années le terrain privilégié de l’anti-israélisme  et de l’antisionisme. Cette situation surprenante dans un pays où une large majorité de la population soutient Israël, est source d’inquiétude pour la communauté juive américaine.…

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