
Lawyers ask Department of Education to revisit anti-Semitism complaint

Two San Francisco-based lawyers have filed an appeal asking the U.S. Department of Education to revisit a previously dismissed complaint alleging that UC Berkeley administrators failed to respond to a hostile campus environment for Jewish students. Lawyers Joel Siegal and…

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How the web spreads anti-semitism

Editor’s note: Daniel Jonah Goldhagen’s book “The Devil That Never Dies: The Rise and Threat of Global Antisemitism,” was just published by Little, Brown. A former Harvard professor, he is also the author of the “Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust.”…

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Critiquing Anti-Semitism With Restraint

In the preface to his important new book, The Devil That Never Dies: The Rise and Threat of Global Anti-Semitism, former Harvard professor Daniel Jonah Goldhagen says he considered many options before conceptualizing anti-Semitism as the devil. He realized some people might think…

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Antisemitism doesn’t always come doing a Hitler salute

When the Ukip politician Godfrey Bloom referred to “Bongo Bongo land”, there were not many who denied the remark was racist. When the same man told women who failed to clean behind the fridge that they were “sluts”, most could see the…

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Fighting for Israel on College Campuses

It’s that time again. In my office, September is one of the busiest months of the year. My students, located all around North America, are returning to college. Almost as soon as they arrive on campus, the stories start pouring…

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