Fighting for Civil Discourse and Academic Freedom




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Call for Papers: The Columbia University Seminar on Death* invites scholars and practitioners to The Austin H. Kutscher Memorial Conference
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The Columbia University Seminar on Death* invites scholars and practitioners to The Austin H. Kutscher Memorial Conference THE PULSE OF DEATH NOW Columbia UniversitySaturday, March 29, 2008 The experience and representation of death and dying in the 21st Century include daily news reports of suicide bombers in Baghdad and genocide victims in Darfur, a popular…

Temple University: What is Facet Theory?
150 150 SPME

What is Facet Theory? Facet Theory was developed in Israel by the late Louis Guttman, an American-born social psychologist who was founder of the Israel Institute of Applied Social Research and a professor at Cornell University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, as a systematic approach for coordinating theory and research Facet Theory techniques and…

Anti-Semitism Summer Conference Announced at Berlin Technical University ( Text in German)
150 150 SPME

SOMMERUNIVERSITäT GEGEN ANTISEMITISMUS: ANTIZIONISMUS, ISRAELFEINDSCHAFT, ISLAMISTISCHER JUDENHASS 10. bis 12. September 2007mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung Die zweite Sommeruniversität gegen Antisemitismus richtet sich an Multiplikatoren aus Medien, Schule, Erwachsenen- und Berufsschulbildung sowie aus Politik und Gewerkschaften, denen die notwendige Kompetenz zur argumentativen Behandlung des Themas vermittelt werden soll. Schwerpunkte werden in diesem Jahr die Problemfelder…

Matthias Kuentzel responds to Barry Rubin
150 150 SPME

Dear Prof. Rubin, My two-sentences statement about the British boycott – mainly about the non-Jewish and Jewish fellow travelers of antisemitism – was certainly no explanation of the origin of Islamic antisemitism. In my writing (see: ) I never claimed “that all Muslim antisemitism derives from the West” but always described this antisemitism as…